Face Mask Design Contest

Last Updated: mayo 12th, 2020By Categories: Blog en español3,7 min read
Fanny Mac, First Place Winner of the NEW Women's Business Center Face Mask Contest

Fanny Mac, First Place Winner

“My dog was my inspiration.”

Fanny is a fashion designer from Los Angeles; she has been sewing since she was seven years old. She worked as a custom designer in the film industry. She considers herself incredibly lucky; to work in a artistic field while also creating dog clothing for her ETSY store.

Fanny was inspired to help with all the terrifying COVID-19 news and the lack of masks needed to be safe. She conquered her fear by putting her skills to good use. She started creating masks. She donated the masks to her mail man, to the postal office, to friends and family. Now she felt she was doing something to contribute. She was helping the community by reducing the spread of the disease. The lack of a mask was just increasing this dark side of the pandemic.

April represented over 300 mask she cut and sewed. She was sewing 10 to 12 hours a day. Her winner mask was inspired by a friend was trying to find her on Venmo. When asked what your picture is – she didn’t have one and when she went looking to upload, she picked a picture of her dog. A light bulb idea came to life. Face masks with a doggie tongue.

The face mask became a success every time she went out it made people smile and that changed the mood of what everyone was going through. The more she made the more people wanted her masks. A friend tagged her on NEW-Women’s Business Centers Face Mask Contest on Instagram but it took her over a week to participate because she had closed her Facebook and had to start it all over again.

As the first-place winner for the contest she says she will use the money to buy more materials and invest it back into the business, except for a small portion she will be using to buy a toaster oven. Now that she is staying at home her husband is the one that cooks, and they really need to replace it.

Her message to the other participants is to, “keep doing what you are doing if you really enjoy it because it feels great to help our community in these hard times”.

You can find Fanny’s store at: https://www.etsy.com/shop/QuicheLaCharlie

Official Participants

Alberteen Bobo

Alicia Diaz

Alicia Mendibles

AliSUN Franson

Aisha Frazier

Ana Lambert

Ana Yanez

Anna Gupta

Ayse Hobek

Bertha Blanco de Moran

Brenda Tarvin

Carolina Hernandez

Catrina Meda

Cinthya Quezada

Claudia Dominguez

Cynthia Martino

Cynthia Haro

Cynthia Neher

Dearthry Henderson

Denise Merrick

Donna Hall

Dyana Aria Burkhammer

Edwina Springfield

Elena Tretyakova

Elisa Derida

Elise Montecastra

Elizabeth Camarillo

Elizabeth Gutierrez

Evelyn Rivas

Fanny Mac

Gordana Gehlhausen

Grace Olguin

Hae Kim

Heather Allyn Smart

Heather Turner

Hilde Byrne

Inga Van Ardenn

Jacky Tai

Janelle Dizon

Janica Telin

Januari Shannon

Jeannine Beavers

Jill Peet

Juana Villegas

Judy Ahumada

Judy Nazemetz

Julia Lee

Julia Lee

Julie Renee Hennelly

Karin Burgess

Abegail Parcasio

Adriana Samano

Karla Rivera

Karly Santiago

Kataluna Enriquez

Lael Osness

Laura Villagrán

Lakecia Garland

Lesa Gavidia

Leticia Maldonado

Linda Mendias

Linda Zulaica

Lisette Solis

Lola Teigland

Lorraine Rowe

Lourdes Esquer

Lucero Gutierrez

Lucy Rodreguez

Luz Enriquez

Manijeh Teymouri

Mari Vasquez

Maria Ferrette

Maria Krangel

Marianna Clark Dudasova

Maribel Dominguez

Maribel Flores

Marjan Vayghan

Marlene Danette Amezola

Martha Calderon

Martha Simmonds

Mayra Todd

Meaghan Baitel

Meeta Mukerjee

Melissa Libang

Melissa Pellone

Min Kim

Nancy Malone

Naomi Reed

Natalie Freed

Nirmitha Iyangar

Olympia DiCross

Ozum Bobaroglu

Pam Temmen

Pamela Sankey

Pat Payne

Patricia Helfend

Pauline Koloa

Pedro Chaj

Phoebe Deocampo

Poeina Suddarth

Priscilla Munoz

Quiana Hall

Rabiya Aq

Rachel Finkelstein

Rasha Patterson

Regina Robles

Sonja Delgado

Reyna Bojorquez

Rhonda Voo

Rosa Gonzalez

Rufina Malinovskaya

Ruly Buraena

Sameena Rosa

Sandra Alvarado

Sandra Guarderas

Sandra Tinoco

Sandra Zebi

Sandy Vlado

Sathya Santay

Shady Sinaga

Sheila Holmes

Silvia Santos

Sonja Harvey

Srini Perera

Sunny Cannon

Susan Jewell

Susan Weinman

Susana Lakovic

Swinda Reichelt

Sylvia Rizkalla

Tanja Richter

Tatiana Leal

Teresa Rodriguez

Tina A

Tomika Smalls

Valerie Rochin

Vayshali Bhakta

Veronica Marquez

Veronica Ocana

Vicky O Guido

Vivian Chan

Wendy Hernandez

Ximena Valero