Legislative Alert on SB 1103 – Protections for Commercial Tenants

Last Updated: diciembre 16th, 2024By Categories: Blog en español0,7 min read
Public Counsel is excited to share that the Commercial Tenant Protection Act (SB 1103)was signed into law by Governor Newsom and will become effective January 1, 2025! They are so grateful to all of you for your support! Together, we passed the first state-wide commercial tenant protections for small businesses and nonprofits in the nation! 

SB 1103 combats the displacement of small businesses and small nonprofits, ensuring these community anchors can continue providing critical goods and services. The bill requires: 

Written leases be translated if they are negotiated in Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese or Tagalog; Small tenants be given longer notice of rent increases and termination of tenancies; and More transparency with respect to how building operating costs are calculated and charged.

The Commercial Tenant Protection Act becomes effective January 1, 2025. The below legislative alert is intended to provide information about the new law for legal practitioners and other interested stakeholders.
Legislative Alert

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