Independent Contractor Or Employee? How To Avoid Misclassifying Your Employee

6 julio, 2023 – 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Are you uncertain about whether to classify your worker as an independent contractor or employee? Misclassifying your employee can lead to significant legal and financial consequences for your business.

Join our upcoming webinar to learn the differences between independent contractors and employees, and how to avoid misclassifying your employee. Our expert speaker will guide you through the legal requirements and tests for determining worker classification, as well as provide best practices for proper record-keeping and compliance.

During this webinar, you will learn:

  • The legal and financial risks of misclassifying employees
  • The criteria for determining independent contractor vs employee status
  • Best practices for proper record-keeping and compliance
  • Strategies for avoiding misclassification and minimizing legal risks
  • Real-life case studies and examples

Don’t miss this opportunity to ensure that your business is in compliance with worker classification laws and avoid costly legal battles. Register now for our Independent Contractor Or Employee? How To Avoid Misclassifying Your Employee webinar.