Backward Engineering Your Project – Entertainment WIE

October 7, 2022 – 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

This is a different approach to the mechanics of coming up with a concept and writing a script based on your specific talents. This is for people who have a hard time deciding what they want to write — or are afraid they are “not commercial enough.” What kind of writer are you? Story, character, or scene — and how that determines WHAT you should write. Writing to the needs of a specific type of buyer (e.g., theatrical, streaming, network, basic cable, premium cable). Taking an idea that seems uncommercial and finding that particular gem.

If you are located in Los Angeles County, Orange County, or the Eastern part of Ventura County, you may also receive free business development consultations. Visit

Any questions or suggestions please contact Marianna Karapetyan (WIE) Entertainment Program Manager

WIE Women In Entertainment program is funded by Wells Fargo