Learning Blocks

Your Online Classroom for Small Business Knowledge

On-Demand Courses for Small Business

Discover the unique value of your social media channels and learn how to use them successfully.

kiva course image

Learn how to correctly apply for a KIVA loan, the application requirements, phases, and potential results.

financial statements course

Learn how to create and manage reports about your business’s financial health and cash flows.

Business Ownership: S-Corporations

Warren Cooley teaches how to file as an S-corporation, the pros and cons, and how it affects your business.

DBAs vs LLCs

Learn how filing your business as an LLC or a DBA affects your tax status, permitting requirements, and ability to grow your business.

Applying for Federal Government Contracts

The U.S. SBA teaches a course on applying for federal contracts, determining your eligibility, and how to use this information to grow your business!

Become a Small Business Expert

The NEW Women’s Business Center is offering online learning courses available for all registered clients. All business owners can access state-of-the-art online video classes in your own time.

Each class is designed to provide any entrepreneur information to grow and manage your business on the internet and across any industry.