Derrick Spears’ Success Story With the NEW-WBC

Last Updated: December 16th, 2024By Categories: Success1.5 min read
Derrick Spears, a successful Chef that started his journey when he opened his business, VD, Risotto, back in May 2022. He has piled up attending 26 workshops; totaling 70 hours of training events since he became a part of NEW-WBC. These trainings include joining webinars such as: Our six-session training for 12 Steps for Launching a Business, Our very own Food Program classes the Cottage and Catering Modules, Loan, Finance, and other general business webinars. He has also attended a few in-person events that we hosted including: “Celebrating Black History Month” and “Live Food Expo” where he shared his venture with us as an acting speaker and one of the many food vendors we had that day!
Mr. Spears has received a great deal of consultations about our Cottage and Catering Program, The California Dream Fund Grant, and Loan counseling, totaling 10 + hours. Derrick has been a part of New Economics for Women for a few years now.
This involvement in the food industry has paved his way in becoming an entrepreneur. His passion for culinary is one of a kind and given his creative nature, he came up with different flavors of butter, used for risotto and other dishes. His flavors consist of: Herbs and Goat Cheese, Ginger Sesame, Red Wine, and Citrus. Derrick recently sent his products to a friend that owns a butcher shop in North Carolina and his butter sold out in 3 weeks! He is excited to grow his business, he is enthusiastic of his success and with the help of NEW-WBC, and all the resources that we offer which he has been administering, Derrick is building his confidence! He believes in the success of his business, and he will continue to be a part of our organization to help achieve his goal!

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