Strategies To Be In a Good Position To Get a Loan

January 29 – 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Join us to review 12 Lender assessment points that are critical to know and prepare

to be in a competitive position to get a loan.

  1.      What are the 3 critical areas that your business must have?
  2.      Do you have 2 Guarantors or Co-signers?
  3.      2 Non-profit institutions that make it very easy to get a loan without

the traditional financial statements that lenders require.

Startups and Businesses that have low Gross Sales must learn what it takes to get in a

position where lenders will consider your loan application. We will review which NEW -WBC Webinars

you MUST  take to solidify your financial  position.

Don’t make the mistake of submitting online loan applications before you have An opportunity to

meet with one of our loan counselors.